In the Media Dr. Silvia Gomes – National Day for Combating Smoking Dr. Silvia Gomes – Poor eating habits. Dr. Silvia Gomes: Everything they didn’t tell you about Obesity and Covid Dr. Silvia Gomes: Excessive sugar intake can lead to health problems Dr. Silvia Gomes: Explains about smoking cessation. Dr. Silvia Gomes: Explains about the harmful effects of smoking Dr. Silvia Gomes: Men’s health care Dr. Silvia Gomes: PNLTalks Conversations with the Experts Dr. Silvia Gomes: See how to change your eating habits Dr. Silvia Gomes: Talks about obesity. Dr. Silvia Gomes: Warning about excessive physical activity Dra Silvia Gomes: TV CIDADE Dra. Silvia Gomes – The Benefits of Running Dra. Silvia Gomes Talking About Obesity Testimony of Evanilda