Reporter Dalva Rego – Lost weight: 6 kilograms in 1 month in a healthy way.

Have you ever tried to lose weight?

Every day, especially since I started sharing the steps of my newest life project, I receive messages from people who have lost confidence. They have lost faith in themselves. They say they feel ashamed of their bodies, avoid going to the beach, and take other actions that gradually lead to social isolation. But does it have to be this way?

I spent 8 years in complete sedentary lifestyle, with eating habits that were extremely detrimental to my health, and with a lot of work overwhelming my mind. After some reflection on my physical and mental conditions, I decided that taking care of myself was essential in order to take care of those who depend on me.

Contrary to what many may think, I didn’t WANT to lose weight. I NEEDED to. High levels of body fat are one of the main risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. And I don’t want to die right now… haha I’m terrified at the thought of death and leaving my 3 young boys without a mother. God forbid! So, a little over a month ago, I started my process of healthy weight loss guided by a multidisciplinary team, consisting of Dr. Silvia Gomes, a nutrologist, a nutritionist, a biomedical esthetician, and a personal trainer. I am very happy and satisfied with our journey together!

Losing weight in a healthy way requires a lot from ourselves. Changes are not easy. But they become much more celebrated when the goal is not an unattainable body standard. My biggest goal is to celebrate the life that pulses within me, with health! Let’s persist, because there is still a long way to go. And I am secure and confident by your side!