Victor Machado Martins Junior: Result: Hypertensive athlete who completed an IronMan race.

I would like to thank my doctor, Dr. Sílvia Gomes, for the success in my first Iron Man 70.3 in 2017, in Fortaleza. I am …

Raimundo Nonato Santiago Mota Filho São Silvestre – 15 km – in 57 minutes. Result: high-performance athlete who completed the São Silvestre race in 57 minutes.

2018 was a year of many achievements and growth in athletics for me, where I fought hard to overcome challenges and reach my goals. The …

Pastor Mirtes: Result: lost 5 kilograms in 1 month, in a hypertensive patient.

  “It was a pleasure to have met you, ma’am, a servant of God. I arrived here feeling exhausted, with no self-esteem, too overweight. I’m …

Evanilda da Silva Rocha Beserra: Result: 5 kilograms in 1 month.

Thanks to Dr. Sílvia Gomes and her team, I was able to understand the meaning of my biological individuality. I discovered my autoimmune condition, adjusted …